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Bamboo REST API caching

Pavel Fomchenkov July 27, 2020

I would like to monitor the latest results of all branches of the selected plans. In order to do so, I tried the following requests:

  1. Get all projects (project.json)
  2. For each project, get the plans (project/projectKey.json?expand=plans)
  3. For each plan, get the branches (plan/planKey.json?expand=branches)
  4. For each branch, get the latest result (result/planKey-latest.json?includeAllStates&expand=plan,changes)

With this approach quite often I receive an error response from Bamboo. I believe it is connected to a big amount of requests per second because it starts failing on the final step and single-shot requests for each failing URL produce the correct result.

Therefore I have two questions:

  • Does Bamboo support the caching of REST API requests?
  • How to reduce the number of requests?

Thank you in advance for any help.

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