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Bamboo Command Task with MSDeploy and setParam

Matt Michal September 17, 2015

I'm trying to call MSDeploy and override the 'IIS Web Application Name' parameter  via a Command task and can not get it to respect quotes.

-verb:sync -source:package=${bamboo.projectName}.zip -dest:auto,wmsvc=https://${bamboo.wmsHostname}:${bamboo.wmsPort}/msdeploy.axd?site=${bamboo.siteName},userName=${bamboo.wmsUser},password=${bamboo.wmsPassword},authtype=Basic,includeAcls=False -allowUntrusted:True -setParamFile:${bamboo.projectName}.SetParameters.xml -setParam:"name='IIS Web Application Name',value=${bamboo.siteName}"

Using the above string in Arguments gives an error Unrecognized argument '"-setParam:"name='IIS Web Application Name',value=SiteName""'. All arguments must begin with "-".

I can use a Script task and get it to work but then the plan does not see MSDeploy as a requirement.

call "%bamboo_capability_system_builder_command_MSDeploy_V3%" -verb:sync -dest:auto,wmsvc=https://%bamboo_wmsHostname%:%bamboo_wmsPort%/msdeploy.axd?site=%bamboo_siteName%,userName=%bamboo_wmsUser%,password=%bamboo_wmsPassword%,authtype=Basic,includeAcls=False -allowUntrusted:True -setParamFile:%bamboo_projectName%.SetParameters.xml -setParam:name='IIS Web Application Name',value=%bamboo_siteName%

There is a similar question that was recently posted to but there isn't an answer yet.

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Danilo Tuler
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January 25, 2016

Same problem here. Any workaround?

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