Hi All,
I am looking for a document on installing bamboo agents in IBM Aix server's. So, do we have anyone who installed the agents in Past on Aix servers.
We have running 3 agents on AIX 7.2. As the user needs special permissions when building our jobs, we use a custom startup script. I did not create this setup but AFAIK if you want to register the agent as subsystem (mkssys, startsrc, stopsrc) you might need a process that doesn't go to background. Our start script launches the bamboo-agent-bootstrap.jar using java and waits for it to exit. You can register the agent as subsystem using this script. Hint: Replace {{ bamboo_agent_home }} with the installation directory path.
Our start script:
set -e
trap 'kill $(jobs -p)' EXIT
export LIBPATH=/opt/freeware/lib:$LIBPATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/freeware/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export PATH=/opt/freeware/bin:$PATH
# Working diretory needs to be the path where bamboo-capabilities.properties file is located.
# see https://confluence.atlassian.com/bamboo/configuring-remote-agent-capabilities-using-bamboo-capabilities-properties-289276849.html
cd {{ bamboo_agent_home }}/bin
/usr/java8_64/jre/bin/java -Dcom.ibm.jsse2.overrideDefaultTLS=true -Dcom.ibm.jsse2.overrideDefaultProtocol=TLSv12 \
-Dbamboo.home={{ bamboo_agent_home }} -Dbamboo.agent.ignoreServerCertName=true \
-Dlog4j.configuration={{ bamboo_agent_home }}/log4j.properties \
-jar {{ bamboo_agent_home }}/lib/bamboo-agent-bootstrap.jar {{ agent_server_url }} &
And register this script as subsystem:
mkssys -s bamboo-agent -p {{ bamboo_agent_home }}/start-bamboo-agent.sh -u bamboo -S -n15 -f9
CAUTION: This way the agent doesn't use the conf/wrapper.conf. That's why I want to create another solution. But actually this is working for us.
Bamboo Server v6.10
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