Bamboo Add-on - EventListener for variable create/update/delete

PaulK May 21, 2024


I am trying to write a add-on for bamboo that listens for changes to either project/plan or deployment environment variable changes.

I can perform the task I need based on a plans variable changing using the "PlanConfigurationChangedAnalyticsEvent" hook.

But I am unable to find any Events that are been fired when variables are added/modified/deleted on either Projects or Deployment Environments.

Is this just missing? or am I missing something!?


1 answer

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Shashank Kumar
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2024

Hello Pauk,

Welcome to Atlassian community.

I believe your query would be better answered at Atlassian Developer community just make sure you are choosing Bamboo Development under category. at


Shashank Kumar

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