ANT builder task and JAVA Bamboo build

October 22, 2015

This question is in reference to Atlassian Documentation: Ant


Issue: What should i mention in the 'Target' field in ANT Builder Task ?

I don't have any tests to be included in this task. Just simply i need to Build my 'build.xml' file.

Can anyone help, please. 



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Steffen Opel _Utoolity_
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October 22, 2015

An Apache Ant target denotes a set of tasks you want to be executed. When starting Ant, you can select which target(s) you want to have executed. When no target is given, the project's default is used - see Writing a Simple Buildfile and for Running Apache Ant more on this.

While specifying the target for Ant is optional as such (Ant will simply execute all top level targets in case), the Bamboo Ant Task's resp. 'Target' parameter strangely requires a value. Accordingly, you need to be explicit about what Ant is doing by default when run from the command line by looking into your build.xml file to determine the default target configured there.

In case your build.xml does not have a default target configured, you need to deduce an appropriate target for your use case depending on the targets that are available in build.xml .

  • For example, as outlined in the Ant tutorial's Four steps to a running applicationit's a good practise to have a "clean" target, which deletes all the generated stuff. Many failures could be solved just by a "clean build".

Many projects use a target named build or compile accordingly.


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