Local agents, that run in the same JVM as the Bamboo server, were part of the Bamboo Server offering from the start.
However, local agents caused several problems for Bamboo Server. For example, local agents run in the server's process and result in security and performance issues, such as the execution of arbitrary code with the privileges of the Bamboo server process or denial of service by using too many resources. Further, local agents were not designed with a multi-node Bamboo Data Center setup in mind, in which agents are no longer local (e.g. you can’t enforce a plan to run from a local agent on node A or node B).
Because of these issues, and to ensure that Bamboo Data Center could meet enterprise-grade requirements (such as security, performance, and multi-node setup), local agents were deprecated in Bamboo Server and Data Center 8.0. In all versions of Bamboo 9.6 and above, they will no longer function.
If your instance relies heavily on local agents, we recommend remaining on Bamboo version 9.5 until you’re ready to consider Remote, Ephemeral, and Elastic agents as a viable alternative.
Learn more about different agent types:
Learn more about Bamboo Data Center pricing options: Bamboo - Pricing | Atlassian
If you have questions regarding pricing, billing or licensing: Atlassian Support: Pricing, Billing, & Licensing | Atlassian
Martyna Wojtas
Product Manager
2 accepted answers