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automation not triggered when issue transitioned

Thibaut Cellier July 21, 2023



I have a problem with an automation which should trigger when the issue epic type transitioned. I have another automation that passed the story issue type from "to do" to "in progress" when I move sub-task from "to do" to "in progress" and my automation that not worked should move a parent, epic type, move from "open" to "in progress" in my workflow.

When I change manually my story from "to do" to "in progress" my automation on my epic is triggered but when I changed my subtask triggering my first automation, my second that move epic, it's not triggering.

I don't understand ? can you help me or explain my error in the automation


Thank for your help 

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John Funk
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July 21, 2023

Hi Thibaut,

Sub-tasks are not directly related to Epics. They are children of the parent of a standard issue type (e.g. Story or Task) which is a child of an Epic. 

So you need a rule that transitions the parent issue type of the sub-task when the sub-task transitions. Then you need a rule that transitions the Epic when the child (e.g. Story or Task) transitions. 

Thibaut Cellier July 21, 2023

I'm sorry my explanation it didn't clear because I made exactly these two automation, but the automation on Epic isn't triggered automatically except if I change the transition manually on the story.

When changed the transition on the sub-task my first automation moved the correct transition of my story and the second automation didn't move the transition of my Epic

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John Funk
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July 21, 2023

Ah, check the Rule details for the Epic rule to make sure the box is checked to Allow Rule …

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Thibaut Cellier July 21, 2023

Oh thanks, I hadn't ticked that box. I never paid much attention to that box

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John Funk
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July 21, 2023

Yeah, that box needs to be checked if the rule should be triggered as a result of another rule.

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