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WHEN Epic Linked Issues are Moved to Done Daily, THEN email report to Epic Assignee

Donna Benton October 25, 2023

I've been experimenting with an ask from Epic owners to get a consolidated report emailed at EOD of all Done issues that are linked to the Epic.

I'm stuck on the linked issues part of the automation. Any links you guys know about that can help? Or, does this ring a bell of something that you've accomplished for your own projects?


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Stefan Salzl
Community Leader
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October 25, 2023

Hi @Donna Benton 

Is it really an issue link (are thos issues link with a special link type to the epic like for example „relates to“) or are thos tasks/issues you are trying to fetch tasks within the epic (child issues)?

In case of child issues you could fetch them with a JQL 

„Epic Link“ = <issueKey of yourEpic>


Donna Benton October 26, 2023

Thank you, Stefan. Let me give that a try.

Donna Benton October 27, 2023

Stefan, I'm not finding success. Can you please break down this automation piece so that I can understand where I am going wrong?

Thank you.

Stefan Salzl
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
October 27, 2023

Could you please show a screenshot of your rule, how far you‘ve come so far and where exactly you got stuck? This might help to analyze the problem and get a better understanding of what you‘re trying to achieve.

Furthermore could also further specify your requirement and what exactly you would expect from the result.


Donna Benton October 30, 2023


Here is the rule as I have it now. I think I may have got the linked issues worked out with 'Parent exists'. I still have no idea how to email the Parent assignee though. 


Donna Benton October 31, 2023


Well, it looks like I figured out how to email the epic assignee with {{issue.parent.assignee.emailAddress}} but the email did not show the issue that should have been reported with the conditions.

I'm getting there!!   :)

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Donna Benton October 31, 2023


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Donna Benton October 31, 2023



Thank you Stefan for your help!  :)

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