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Trigger a rule when an Idea is linked

Dana Weinbaum
August 17, 2023


I'm trying to create a rule that:

When an Idea (in Product Discovery) is linked to an issue (Epic, Story... for now, I don't have a condition here). The link type is Implemented by

Then the labels of that linked issue (that Epic/story) will be copied to the Idea so they will be shown in the idea as well. 

In the Labels field of the rule I tried both "copy from trigger issue" and "copy from issue" (I'm a bit confused about which one I should use...), but it won't work.


Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Screenshot 2023-08-17 at 12.34.31.png



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Wouter van den Berg
Community Leader
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August 18, 2023

Almost there. You need to branch before you can copy information.


Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 17.37.37.png

Select the appropriate related issue parameter: 

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 17.37.58.png

The rule looks should look like this: 

Screenshot 2023-08-18 at 17.38.11.png

You could also do a re-fetch data just after the branch but looking at the use-case I don't think that's necessary.

Dana Weinbaum
August 20, 2023

Thanks! but it didn't work :-( 

And now there's a very strange thing that has happened - I can't find the link type 'implemented by' anymore in the Jira Product Discovery project (although I saw it last week...). 

Wouter van den Berg
Community Leader
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Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
August 21, 2023

Hi @Dana Weinbaum

Implemented by is available on non Jira Product Discovery projects. Haven't seen it on the Product Discovery side. Are you sure you saw it there? This Automation rule can't delete link types. 

I have tried a different approach where I used an API call to target the issuelink, create a variable to catch the labels.{{issue-key}}

This worked up till the moment where I wanted to edit the issue with the labels from the Epic. I got the following error: 

You can see the labels (RTLSD and pietjepuk) being grabbed. 

Screenshot 2023-08-21 at 14.33.45.png

Unfortunately I wasn't able to figure out why Labels isn't the same in Product Discovery as it is with other projects and thus couldn't edit the values in the Product Discovery items. 

Dana Weinbaum
August 22, 2023

Thanks for trying. 

And strangely enough the Implemented by returned to the list of link options... 

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