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Needs some guidance with Automation - Service desk to project

Joshua Hill May 18, 2022

Hi All, 

Racked my brain trying to figure this one out, but to no avail. Thought I'd come to the experts to try and help me out.


I have a Service Project that I am successfully able to clone an issue and send it to a "Project" AKA our Pipeline. 

We are also using this Pipeline for more Project Management type of projects, so we have Advanced Roadmaps and have created our own Initiative type called Project, with Milestones being underneath that. 

What I would like to do is create an automation for one of these situations:

1. If a new "Initiative" is created in this pipeline, Create Milestones as children under that Initiative, these would have specific names based off of the Initiative. (Kickoff/Plan {{issue.summary}} , ETC)

2. Since I am Cloning the issue I thought that perhaps when an issue is moved from that service desk project to this Pipeline, then create new milestones under that (but I realize there is no way for it to know what randomly named parent is). 

3. I also watched some videos where they had If the issue matches JQL (type = project), then create a new milestone in the same project. However that doesn't work for me either. 


I have tried from simple to complicated, so hopefully you all can help me out. I am willing to try anything or reference any source material to try and get this to work. 





snip 1.pngsnip 2.pngsnip 3.png



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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2022

Hi @Joshua Hill 


The first one is really close actually! Just missing the bit to link up Milestone to Project. To do this, you need to click in on "More options" and specify the relationship in the "Additional fields" section. See below:


Hope that helps.




Joshua Hill May 23, 2022

thanks Eric, I'll give that a shot today!

Joshua Hill May 23, 2022

hey @Eric ,


getting an error in the automation. any suggestions here are greatly appreciated!


Create issue
Error creating issue
Epic Name is required. (customfield_10011)

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 23, 2022

Hi @Joshua Hill 


Are you creating an issue of type Epic somewhere? (Sorry, not obvious from your previous screenshots - I thought you're creating an issue of type Milestone?).


If you are creating an Epic, you need to set the "Epic Name" field in the "Create issue" action.



Joshua Hill May 24, 2022



ok that all seems to work when a new project is created, but when i try to transition an issue from service desk with automation to create a new project in the destination project, it wont create all the epics. 


So on its own, in the destination project, if i create a project, it will create all my epics with automation. But when I transition an issue into the destination project from another project it does not work. 


Any thoughts there? 

Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 26, 2022

@Joshua Hill 


To confirm my understanding, are you saying your rule is not running when the issue is created by another automation?


If so, you need to go your Rule details section and tick "Allow rule trigger".




Joshua Hill May 26, 2022

it all works!! thank you so much @Eric  !!

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