I'm very confused about the different Automation options I'm seeing..??

Drew Angell
June 11, 2020

TL;DR - What's the difference between Service Desk Project -> Project Settings -> Project Automation and Service Desk Project -> Project Settings -> Automation?

I'm trying to pick up the pieces of what was left after the person I had setting up my Jira is no longer available.  

I know at one point we were using a plugin for Automation rules, and I still see this under "Manage Apps", but it looks like it's not active at all because it's telling me I need to sign up for a trial:


When I go to System -> Automation, I see this, which looks just like the screenshots in the plugin shown above:



However, most of these rules are disabled, some of the ones that are enabled are showing errors, and the notice at the top is showing that we've already maxed out our execution limit after only 3 days, so none of the rules are going to be running anyway.

So now here's where my confusion starts to kick in.  If I go to my Service Desk project, and then go to Project Settings, I see two separate options for Automation in there.

One just says "Automation" and the other says "Project Automation".


The one that says "Project Automation" is the same as what's shown above, and is simply the project level rules that built into that general Automation.

However, the one that says "Automation" here is completely different, and looks like this:

image.pngThese are the rules that seem to be driving the bulk of our Automation with my Service Desk.  I make adjustments here and they take affect accordingly.  Also, they always run.  I'm not getting any notices about maxing out our execution limit or anything like that.

I have no idea what the difference is between these Automation sections, though, and I'm very confused.

Anybody have some guidance for me on this?  I don't understand why I need the paid executions Automation if I can just use this other one that's free, but I also don't understand where it's coming from or why it's separate, and what disadvantages I might have to using it the way I have been..??

Any information on this would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks!


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John McKiernan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
June 14, 2020

Hey @Drew Angell ,

John from the automation team here. It is a bit confusing I must confess. Automation for Jira was recently acquired and built natively into Jira Cloud. We are working on aligning the two automation engines so Jira automation (i.e your screenshot below) is the one true automation engine and everything will live in one place.

We ran a few webinars and these questions came up a lot. We documented them here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Jira-Software-articles/79-Questions-and-Answers-about-Jira-Automation/ba-p/1363930

Hope that helps!




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