Automation: Changes to Fix Versions in Edit Issue

Hi Atlassian community!

I’m Liam, a developer working on Automation here at Atlassian. I wanted to take the time to share a new option available to anyone leveraging the Edit issue action in Automation in Jira Cloud.

We’re always listening to the Atlassian community on how you’d like to use Automation in your organisation. Recently, we’ve had some feedback from people using the Edit issue action to set the Fix versions field on issues. You told us you wanted the ability to assign issues to the next upcoming release date, instead of whatever was at the bottom of the list.

Adding a release to an issue’s fix version field

As some of you may already know, the Edit issue action allows you to modify a variety of fields on a given issue, including the Fix versions field. Before now, you were able to select three options:

  1. Select Last released version, selecting the last released version by release date;

  2. Select Next unreleased version, selecting the next unreleased version by picking the release at the bottom of the release list;

  3. A specific version, always selecting that version if available.

A new option: Next unreleased version by release date

Today, we’ve added a fourth option, Next unreleased version by release date. The behaviour allows a rule to assign the release that has the soonest upcoming release date. If none of your unreleased versions have release dates, this will default to the Next unreleased version behaviour.

Screen Shot 2022-08-11 at 3.38.09 pm.png

Thanks for reading!

We'd love for you to give this new option a try and leave us any feedback you have, and if you have any ideas for how you could use this in your organisation, we’d love to hear all about it in the comments!

Until next time!



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