Admins, are you spending too much time manually creating group-linked teams? We know what a cumbersome task this has been, especially when dealing with larger organizations. That’s why we have a new API for you! 🚀
This new API enables you to automate the creation of group-linked teams, saving you time and effort. ⏰
New Group Linked Team Creation API: POST /public/teams/v1/org/{orgId}/teams/external
Note: The API is available for customers using the new user management experience only. 🔒
We have also developed a script as a proof of concept for how admins can bulk create teams from groups using this new API. To do this, we will combine the Adminhub groups search API and our new group-linked teams API.
Walk through of script to bulk create grouped linked teams: Watch Video 🎥
Below details are necessary for code: 📋
Replace your details from above in a .env file as well as the group names you are searching for. E.g., if you want to create linked teams for all groups that have “marketing” in their title, replace group_names_create_teams
with “marketing”.
Here's a simplified python script to help you get started with the bulk team creation process. If you want to create a team for every group in your org, you could leave the group_name_to_teams
string blank. This will iterate over all groups in your org. This script should only be used as a starting point and considered only as a proof of concept.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv
import requests
import json
from base64 import b64encode
# Load environment variables from .env file
# Retrieve environment variables
org_id = os.getenv("ORG_ID")
api_admin_key = os.getenv("API_ADMIN_KEY")
site_id = os.getenv("SITE_ID")
site_url = os.getenv("SITE_URL")
api_user_key = os.getenv("API_USER_KEY")
email = os.getenv("EMAIL")
group_name_to_create_teams = "cx"
def get_groups_and_create_team(org_id, api_admin_key, email, api_user_key):
# Construct the initial URL for getting groups
base_group_url = f"{org_id}/groups/search"
# Define headers for getting groups
group_headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Bearer {api_admin_key}"
# Define payload for group search
group_payload = json.dumps({
"limit": 1000, # Maximum number of groups to return
"groupNames": {
"contains": group_name_to_create_teams
# Start with the base URL
next_link = base_group_url
while next_link:
# Make the POST request to get groups
group_response =, data=group_payload, headers=group_headers)
# Check response status for group retrieval
if group_response.status_code == 200:
groups_data = group_response.json()
groups = groups_data.get('data', [])
print("Groups List Retrieved Successfully:")
if (len(groups) == 0):
print("No groups returned")
for group in groups:
# Print out group information
group_id = group.get('id', 'Unknown ID')
group_name = group.get('name', 'Unnamed Group')
group_description = group.get('description', 'No description available')
print(f"Group ID: {group_id}")
print(f"Group Name: {group_name}")
print(f"Group Description: {group_description}")
# Constructing the basic authentication header for team creation
auth_string = f"{email}:{api_user_key}"
auth_header = b64encode(auth_string.encode()).decode()
# Define the URL for creating a team
external_team_url = f'https://{site_url}/gateway/api/public/teams/v1/org/{org_id}/teams/external'
# Define headers for creating a team
team_headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": f"Basic {auth_header}",
"Content-Type": "application/json"
# Define payload for creating a team based on group data
team_payload = json.dumps({
"description": group_description,
"externalReference" : {
"id": group_id,
"siteId": site_id,
# Make the POST request to create a team
team_response =, data=team_payload, headers=team_headers)
# Check response status for team creation
if team_response.status_code == 201:
team = team_response.json()
print(f"Team Created Successfully for {group_name}:")
print(json.dumps(team, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(",", ": ")))
print(f"Failed to create team for {group_name}. Status Code: {team_response.status_code}")
print(f"Response: {team_response.text}")
# Update the next link for pagination
next_link = groups_data.get('links', {}).get('next', None)
if next_link:
next_link = f"{base_group_url}?cursor={next_link}"
print(f"Failed to retrieve groups. Status Code: {group_response.status_code}")
print(f"Response: {group_response.text}")
# Exit the loop if there's an error
# Call the function
get_groups_and_create_team(org_id, api_admin_key, email, api_user_key)
Feedback: 💬
We would love to hear your questions, feedback, and any ways we can continue to support admins who are managing teams!
Marcus, Atlassian Product Manager
Marcus Rehbock