why i am getting this error, Could not prepare JSON: ' '. Invalid format. A JSONObject text must beg

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March 10, 2023

i have a vaild json for creating jira from ifttt integration rules
{ "fields": {   "project": { "key": "ORBIT" }, "issuetype": { "name": "Story" }, "summary": "My summary" } }

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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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March 11, 2023

Hi @Vinithr and welcome to this community

I guess this is about ConfiForms app and it's feature to create Jira issues on form submit, right? I am pretty confident it is

(added a tag to mark it as "confiforms", so it has a better context)

From the first sight your JSON seems to be valid and should not be failing

However, how have you configured it? Do you use a code or no format macros to put your JSON mapping or added the mapping directly into the ConfiForms IFTTT macro's body?


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