MS Office Word, Advanced Find and Field

Yunus Emre Ozturk
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September 21, 2024

Hello everyone,

I am new here and i hope the location is not wrong for that question.

I have a problem about word. I need to replace some words with numbered words.

For example, ı need to select all ABCD words and change ABCDE_1, ABCDE_2, ABCDE_3...

Is it possible to do it ?


Actually, basicly, i added a field AUTONUM, and copied it, then i was able to replaced all ABCD to ABCDE_1 etc.

However in that case, i cannot figure out to select all ABCDE_1, (1 is autonumberd) in case need to change them.

Briefly, could you please help to select custom field area, not tables, figures or etc, only written by the ABCDE word ?

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Walter Buggenhout
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September 22, 2024

Hi @Yunus Emre Ozturk and welcome to the Atlassian Community!

This is a community built around Atlassian products (like Jira, Trello, Confluence and many other tools) and practices. Microsoft Word is not really an Atlassian product, I'm afraid. While it's not entirely impossible someone might come up with a solution - we're very much willing to help where we can, here - you might get faster and more targeted assistance on a Microsoft forum instead.

Automatically finding / replacing content in MS Word fields is not one of my top skills; if it was, I'd be happy to help.

All the best - and hope to see your first Jira or Confluence question soon!

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