Looking for Asciidoc-GitHub-Jira Cloud-Confluence Cloud Toolchain

Deleted user September 8, 2020

Hi, all! I'm hoping some of you will be able to recommend a toolchain for my organization that fits our Docs as Code Agile workflow.


  • Jira Cloud
  • Confluence Cloud
  • GitHub Enterprise repos (with AsciiDoc content)
  • Slack
  • AsciiDoc content

Must Haves

  1. Asciidoc content can be pushed (automated or otherwise) from GitHub Enterprise repos to Confluence Cloud to create new pages and make updates, either to iFrames or transformed into native Confluence content (preferred)
  2. GitHub repo issues create and update Jira project stories, and vice-versa.
  3. GitHub repo activity can be associated with and update Jira stories.

Nice to Have

  1. GitHub major and minor versions update a Slack channel with the new version info when published to the master branch.
  2. Ability to use AsciiDoc on Confluence pages transforms to native Confluence confluence (like Markdown)

Hopefully one of you out there has already had these same issues and knows how at least some of this can be done. Third-party plugin recommendations for the workflow are welcome, as are native solutions and workarounds (even those that require development, if specific enough).

Thanks, guys!

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