Export all columns from jira product discovery

Sankhadeep Sarkar
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August 23, 2023

1. I'm seeing not all columns getting exported when we go to extensions under google sheets --> Jira cloud for sheets --> get issues from jira --> select the JPD project --> export.

On doing so, unable to get all the columns added under a project.


2. Need to also know the import option workflow and if JPD project creators/admins (non site admins) can perform an import


Urgent assistance or answers requested.



2 answers

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Aron Gombas _Midori_
Community Leader
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September 8, 2023

With the Better Excel Exporter app, you can export JPD issues from the Issue Navigator.

As soon as integration points become available in JPD, we will offer the export functionality in the JPD screens with one click, but until then you can search for the JPD issues in Issue Navigator and export them from there. Note that you can export "Current columns", "All columns", "Non-empty columns", with or without comments, worklogs, etc.

There are tons of options available, plus you can configure your own!


In addition to customization, the big extra over the the CSV export feature is that it will export standard XLSX files, so encoding, CSV dialects and other hassles are completely avoided.

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Hermance NDounga
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 24, 2023

Hello Sankhadeep, 

We have introduced a new view export feature: 

Click on "Share" > Export > and download as .csv

All columns should be there, besides reactions. 

Now, this is not meant to do site to site migrations or else, it's just an easy way for you to have your data in case it need to be shared with users who don't have access to your site, or do complex calculations with Excel. 

So I'd suggest not trying to import back the csv you get from there, but if you want to import a csv (from anywhere, you can simply click on "Create" and then "Import issues". 

A creator can do both operations. 

Best Regards,
Product Manager @ Jira Product Discovery

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