Deactivated account still listed as billable

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October 6, 2023

Hello, I am an Atlassian Administrator, and on your page:

"Suspended users cannot access your organization’s products, and they won’t be billed."

It says that suspended accounts will no longer be billed. But when I suspend a user under "Users" and thereafter go under "Managed accounts", their account is still listed as billable unless it is specifically "deactivated". After we introduced a Sandbox for $0.

My question: Is a suspended account billable or not? If not, then why can it still be listed as such under "Managed accounts"?

My understanding was that suspended and deactivated are somewhat the same, but that the text "deactivated" will appear next to the profile name? That feels kinda excessive, if it is just a maternity or sick leave for 3-5 months, so i would prefer to keep using "suspend" if this does somewhat the same.

Suggestion for useful feature: It would be nice if an Administrator could add a note to a suspension/deactivation, stating the reason and date.

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Ste Wright
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October 6, 2023


Does the user have access to other Jira/Confluence instances or other Atlassian products?

In summary, this is the difference between the two actions...

  • Suspension can be used on managed or unmanaged users - it is limited to just the site the suspension is made against, but if they have other access (eg. a Sandbox, another Jira, Trello, etc) - their access remains active there. You'd need to suspend them from each location individually to be fully unbillable.
  • Deactivation is only for managed users - once disabled, they are removed from all locations they had access - and thus their billing also. It's a catch-all.

^ So the user could remain billable in Atlassian Access even if you suspend them in Jira, because of other products they use.

To make a suggestion to improve this functionality, you could raise an idea here:


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