Confiform / Way to feed two form witch have a common field

jean meheust June 13, 2024


I have created two form
The first one is name book with 3 fields
numberbook (key field)
The second one is name critic whith 3 fields
Thera are several critic
A book can have différent critic
I want to feed the two form when a book receive the first critic

First hypothesis
The book does not exist in the form book
I want to feed the form "book" and atomatically i want to connect with the form ctitic to feed it's différent field.

Second hypothesis
If the book does already exist in the form book i just want to add a new critic and his différent field namecritic, numberbook, and note

Is it a way configure "registration controle block" to do this easily.

Thank you a lot

2 answers

1 vote
jean meheust June 15, 2024

Thanks for your help 


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Alex Medved _ConfiForms_
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June 13, 2024

Hi @jean meheust 

ConfiForms smart fields (dropdowns, radio, etc) allow you to use the data from one form as a source for the field in another form


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