Atlassian Teams - How to govern or tie back to organizational structure or people tools like Workday

Ronny Katzenberger
May 29, 2024

Hello Community,

We employ Compass, JIRA, JSM, Confluence, Opsgenie, Product Discovery.

Compass will handle our System Dimension (Domain Driven Design; Domains > Systems > Components). We don't quite have the DDD covered in Compass but are working with Atlassian Product Managers to figure that one out. I know we're not the only ones with that need.

JIRA is there to cover the Work Dimension, as in Corporate Strategy, Product Roadmaps, and Product execution via EPICs and Stories.


The People Dimension is what is missing - Teams provides some great functionality but it's the Wild Wild West in my opinion. It's also still disjointed since Opsgenie has its own teams and they're not in sync with teams in the rest of the ecosystem.

We would like to be able to properly reflect our organizational structure in the Atlassian ecosystem, with our view of that taxonomy. 

Has anyone solved this yet?

It would be great to be able to reflect that taxonomy - Rally had that figured out for years. And I'm not sure if that's where we have to jump into JIRA Align already. It seems like a miss to not allow centralized management of Teams plus adding a concept of a team structure (Team "Avengers" belongs to division "S.H.I.E.L.D" and business unit "Marvel")


Thanks in advance!

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