[Atlassian Teams] We're deprecating the internal team search API

Hi all 👋

I'm April, a product manager at Atlassian looking after Atlassian Teams.

As part of ongoing improvements to Atlassian services, we are deprecating the following two APIs:

  • GET https://{site-name}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/v3/teams/search

  • POST https://{site-name}.atlassian.net/gateway/api/v3/teams/search

These were both private APIs being used by internal Atlassian services. However, we've found that some Atlassian customers have been calling these APIs for their integrations. 

If you’ve been using this API, you can switch to the public GraphQL API query teamSearchV2 which can be used for the same purpose.

Let us know if you have any questions by commenting below. 



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