One-stop centre for Jira Migration Assistant aka JCMA

Hi All,

I wanted to share a one-stop page with useful links for Jira Migration Assistant.

Useful Documents that can help your Migration Journey:

Useful troubleshooting guides:

Bugs and Feature Request: 

Upcoming Early Access Program:


Contact support:

For any technical issue please contact our Support team with the below logs that could help us help you:

  1. Please create a and provide it to us on your ticket. refer Create a Support Zip
  2. Can you navigate to the logs and reports session and see if you are seeing any logs under that tab. if yes, can you please share it with us?
  3. For Linux OS: Under the Jira home folder there is a folder call migration-to-cloud can you zip that folder and send it to us as well.
  4. For Windows OS same can be found in application data\jira\export\migration-to-cloud


Additional Resources:

Documents to help prepare you to migrate your Atlassian server products.


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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 1, 2021

Great article having all resources in one place.

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