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Query Knowledge Base

Tom De Blende September 1, 2023

We have a JSM project and a linked knowledge base for our customers. According to the documentation we can use Assist in Slack to query that knowledge base, and that seems to work as expected.

However, our end customers do not use our Slack, they are external to our company. So they won't be able to ask any questions that use this KB.

Our agents do use Slack though, and it would be very useful if they could query our internal knowledge base from within Slack. However, that would require the internal KB to be linked to the JSM project. And that we select "All Logged-in users" as who can view. 

That means that our internal KB will be use to suggest answers to tickets to customers, which we don't want.

Is there another way for us to use AI intelligent response for just our agents?

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crouhana September 1, 2023

How did you setup Assist in Slack to query Confluence? It's not working for us.

Chris Martin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 1, 2023

Hi @crouhana I think this support article might help: Activate or deactivate AI answers in the virtual agent

It explains how to set it up so that the virtual agent will use your linked Confluence KB space to answer questions if it can't match an intent to the question. 

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