Find similar issues already completed to assist estimation

Ingo W_
December 13, 2024

I'm looking for a prompt to find similar issues which are already implemented and use the worklog data of those issues to assist the estimation of another issue.

I've tried different prompts, but Rovo is to sharp while searching for similar issues.  We have a long running project where we have already implemented similar issues, they still exist. But Rovos query ends up in filters like:


Prompt:  find similar issue related to abc-833

Result: issue in linkedIssues(abc-833) ORDER BY created DESC


Prompt:  Try answering by searching the knowledge base

Result: issue in linkedIssues(abc-833) ORDER BY created DESC


Prompt: Find issues that are approximately similar to abc-833

Result: text ~ "abc-833" ORDER BY created DESC


What has to be done to receive a broader list of results - to get a fuzzy-search?

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Shahpur Khan
December 13, 2024

Following. We've been trying to put together a Custom Agent for pretty much this exact use case. Our main problem is that it hallucinates a TON when coming up with similar issues -- either outputting nonexistent issue names or outputting incorrect details/estimates for existing issues. It pulls the target issue just fine, though, and is not limited to linked issues, but beyond that, we're lost too.

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