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Set up SAML singel sign-on: Downtime, no login during setup

Ingo Syllwasschy April 23, 2024

We want to connect our Atlassian Cloud products to our AD. During setup, we receive the instructions that:

  • Plan for downtime to set up and test your SAML configuration
  • Let your users know they won't be able to log in to Atlassian products while you're doing the set up

Does this mean that all users cannot actually use Jira SW / SM during the setup? Or only the users that I include in the new authentication policy?

If so, how long should I plan for the downtime? Can customers create tickets during this time?

Thanks for the help, I haven't found a clear statement on this anywhere, but of course my boss expects only clear information.


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Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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April 23, 2024

@Ingo Syllwasschy


When you go to configure Atlassian Access, nothing will be implemented by default. You have to choose to turn on SAML. As long as you haven't done that, there should not be an impact to your users. Typically you would test it with a small group of users before rolling it out to all users. If you misconfigured it when you turn on SAML, there could be an outage to your users if they are trying to authenticate while the misconfiguration is in place. The downtime would be as long as it takes for you to resolve the misconfiguration.


Are your customers all internal users? If so, they could be impacted, but it should not impact things like your incoming mail

Ingo Syllwasschy April 23, 2024

Hello Kian, thanks for your answer. The most users are internal. If I understand you correctly, I can easily add individual users to the SAML-SSO group without the others users being affected? (Assuming I don't have a misconfiguration)

It is reassuring to know that incoming e-mails are not affected

Kian Stack Mumo Systems
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April 24, 2024

That is correct!

Ingo Syllwasschy April 24, 2024

Hello Kian, thanks :-) 

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