How to mark an article with the "canonical tag"β“πŸ€”

Dear Atlassian fans,

We all enjoy working in the community, but unique content does not fall from the sky. πŸŒŸ Therefore, many recycle the content and post it on their company website and here. But as we all know, Google penalizes republished content. πŸ”„

In the past (one or two years ago), it was possible to add a β€œcanonical tag” when creating an article here in the community. But unfortunately that has disappeared?

Has anyone noticed this? Does anyone have another solution? Just edit the HTML code of an article? Or how do you handle this? Looking forward to the discussion! 🌐



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Rustem Shiriiazdanov
April 26, 2024

I hadn't noticed that, but now I'm also curious about where the tag has gone.

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Paul Sherman
April 26, 2024

I also have noticed this. The solution is simple: Forget about Google. With the Sorry State of Search (SSS) nowadays, Google and Bing and DDG and every other profit-extracting search engine company are so bad as to become totally useless and in some cases downright racist or misogynist. We can do better by completely ignoring internet search, actively boyotting and refusing to use those services (including Google docs, sheets, and everything cloud) instead favoring LibreOffice and good old word of mouth. Corporate SEO doesn't define anything (except bonus for major shareholders); and web sites are already too painfully slow with all the hidden adsense and adword nonsense coded within them--without all that garbage, pages load so much faster and also use far less bandwidth and cost so much less. Remember, we the consumer are paying for that with our exorbitant costs of data access nowadays (hint: telecom needs to be a public free or highly regulated utility just like electricity, water, gas, sewar, recycling, and everything else upon which a human needs to live).

In order to mark authenticity and canonical nature, simply "sign" any document you create or post with your Atlassian/botbucket user name. For example, in my case, "[this authentic article written and posted by Atlassian/psherman42]".

Simple. That should do it.

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