How to get a list of linked issues to show dependencies?

Alp Erguney October 8, 2023

Hi Community,


I'm trying to display a list of dependencies based on a certain link type. However, issue link or link type doesn't seem to be available in Atlassian Analytics data lake. Am I missing something? I couldn't find any existing article or question in the community for this.

This is available via API using GET (/rest/api/3/issueLink/{linkId}). I am hoping Analytics has access to the underlying dataset to retrieve that data.



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Ben Jackson
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
October 8, 2023

HI @Alp Erguney we don't have that data in the Lake as yet but are working on getting it. You can watch this ticket here for it and we will keep you updated on when we will have it.


Ben from the Atlassian Analytics team.

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