How to build a two dimensional chart or filter in Analytics?

Luis Crespo April 25, 2023

I understand that everything in the charts is driven by queries and joins however all the examples I see are one dimensional and I have yet to see an example of a two dimensional chart.  For example a chart where I can see all the Jira cards assigned to users by Epic.

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Agaci Avinas
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 26, 2023

Hi Luis,

Thank you for reaching Atlassian Analytics support.

I understand that you would like to create 2D charts in Atlassian Analytics.

You could create 2D charts by choosing 2 columns from the Data Lake. Let's take your given example, to get all the Jira Issues and the Assignee of the issues.  You'll have to create the Join between the Account ID of the assignee and the Account ID in the account table.

Please find below example,

Screenshot 2023-04-26 at 6.57.36 PM.png

Query 1: Fetches the Assignee account ID, Epic Name field value and Issue Id count.

Query 2: Joined using the Account ID in the account table

Please ensure that you have chosen to sync All Data while creating the Data Lake. Adding to that, the Account table will only have data if it’s a managed account.

Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding this.



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