How to add and subtract two different columns

Shraddha September 9, 2023



I have two columns generated in the dataset via SQL query that are aggregated and are of datatype integer.

I want to create a another two column in the dataset that is a summation and difference of those two columns via custom or guided formula. Is this possible, how?

For example below -

The query is

Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 4.35.35 PM.png

List of steps for manipulation

Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 4.37.15 PM.png


Resultset looks like (where column Name is Sprint Name , query is filtered to show only one sprint as of now)

Screen Shot 2023-09-09 at 4.37.40 PM.png

What i would like to have is

1. Column generated through formula which is difference of columns "Issue closed-added" and "Issue closed-removed"


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Kevin Minnick
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
September 11, 2023

Hello, yes this is possible. You need to click "Formula Column", then "Custom Formula" (all the way at the top). From here you can start typing a double quotation mark (") and the name of the column. (It should auto-complete). And then you would type "-" and then the name of the second column. Custom formula allows all kinds of simple math so give it a try!

Shraddha September 11, 2023

Thanks @Kevin Minnick That worked as needed

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