Error in Time Zone from Jira to Analytics

Pamela Corvino
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January 23, 2025

Hi, I'm using a Date field in Jira that was settled as Monday 15th, 12:30 AM 

When exporting this information into Analytics, it says Sunday 14th, 23:30

How can I fix this? Couldn't find anything related. Thanks

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Jessie Turpin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 24, 2025

Hi Pamela! The Atlassian Data Lake stores dates using the UTC time zone, while dates within Jira can be set to use a specific time zone. It sounds like you might have a time zone set in Jira, so you would need to set the appropriate time zone within your dashboard's settings. This should help the date within your chart to match the date you see in Jira. 

If setting a time zone in the dashboard settings doesn't resolve your issue, please create a support ticket and our team will be able to investigate this further for you. 

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