Determining When a multi Select Control is blank or unselected

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November 17, 2024

I am working with a dashboard control that is a multi-select dropdown with "Show unfiltered Chart Data" Enabled. 

I am working with a visual query that needs to evaluate if the control is 'deselected'. Using a Custom Formula, I've been able to successfully get the following to work as expected.....


If I select a single Product in the control the custom formula column will correctly put a 1 on any record with the matching Product. If I select more than one single Product, then I get an error:

[SQLITE_ERROR] SQL error or missing database near (",": syntax error)

I've tried also counting the number of Products selected but couldnt figure that out either. 

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Foster Cryer
Atlassian Team
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November 17, 2024

Hey @bryan_n_burrets , please try the formula below and let me know if it helps you flag records that match one of the PRODUCT dropdown selections.


Replace "Product" in the formula above with the column name in your chart/query.

Out of curiosity, are you looking to filter with the PRODUCT dropdown, or are you working on a scorecard that counts up how aligned records are to dropdown selections? Or something else?

I have not been able to figure out how to return a count of the number of selected items in a dropdown though, but if you can tell me how you want to use this information, I may be able to figure out a different solution.

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