Combine data from one row into another in analytics

Bobby Moyini December 16, 2024

New to analytics and liking what see so far.. Just have a basic question that I'm hoping there is a solution for.

I'm looking for a way to combine the reopened data into the open row so I don't have an extra row in my charts. 


Combine rows.png

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Jessie Turpin
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 18, 2024

Hey Bobby! You could apply a custom formula to the "Status" column to use the following Case statement to change the label of 'Reopened' to be 'Open': 

CASE WHEN "Status" = 'Reopened' THEN 'Open' ELSE "Status" END

Once the 'Reopened' status is changed to 'Open' then you can Group & aggregate the data to sum the "No of Tasks" column for the two 'Open' statuses. I hope that helps clarify, but let me know if you run into any issues! 

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