Can you use multiple custom field controls on one chart?

Ahmed Yusuf
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August 29, 2024

I manage most of the data in our business's main service desk. Due to the nature of our business, energy, there are a lot of different bits of information required to ascertain whether an issue is technical or expected behaviour. Much of which cannot be picked up in default fields. 

This means our business use a lot of custom fields. My question is, is it possible to use more than 1 control filter, that filter by the jira_issue_field.value, on one chart? 

I've attempted on 1 hart. I've attempted multiple query's with different joins, but the data doesn't populate. 

I have been able to add multiple controls on the visualiser (which doesn't join jira_issue_field twice) and then amend the sql script. However this causes issues with showing the unfiltered chart data where no value is present in the control, as again, it shows no data. 

Any help would be great & if this is not possible. It would be great to know as this would be a great feature request. 


1 answer

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Don DMack August 29, 2024

That's a good question. I've experienced similar challenges like you.  So I'll watch the response(s) to this question since I don't have an answer.

CESAR DALDOSSO August 29, 2024

hi all, you can proceed using custom fields on that. The best approach is to create a new custom table, and include the desired custom tables on it.

Dont include new columns, this does not work. Is better to create a complete new custom table

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