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Project Selection for Atlassian Data Lake Connections Is Now Available

Project Selection for Atlassian Data Lake Connections

Thanks to the amazing feedback that you all have provided, we are excited to announce a new change in Atlassian Analytics! Project selection is now available when connecting Atlassian Analytics to the Atlassian Data Lake. This new feature gives organization admins the ability to include or exclude projects from each Jira instance when setting up a new connection to the Atlassian Data Lake.

Previously, organization admins could only select which product instances were included in an Atlassian Data Lake connection. This meant that all projects on that instance were automatically included. By popular demand, we've updated the Atlassian Data Lake connection process to include a step that allows users to select the projects that they want to be brought into Atlassian Analytics.

What we have built

The images below show what the Atlassian Data Lake connection process previously looked like compared to the new project selection screen that we've built.

Screen Shot 2022-05-06 at 9.40.08 AM.png
Before, only product-level selection was available for Atlassian Data Lake connections.
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Now, both product- and project-level selection is available for Atlassian Data Lake connections.

What this means

Effective this week, any new Atlassian Data Lake connections created in Atlassian Analytics will take you through the Select Projects screen. Here you'll have the option to either select specific projects from your product instances or all projects from those instances. We think that this change is going to have a strong positive impact, as some users have expressed the need to be able to exclude or include specific projects for security, privacy, or other reasons. We hope that you’re just as excited about this update as we are, and we look forward to hearing your ideas and feedback. Thank you!

Potential use cases for project selection include but are not limited to:

  • Prevent information overload - Users can now set up Atlassian Data Lake connections for each team that only include the relevant Jira projects for that team.
  • Increased security and privacy - Users can now omit specific Jira projects which may contain sensitive data.

  • Users now have more granular control over the Atlassian data that they choose to bring into Atlassian Analytics.


Esther Strom
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 12, 2022 edited

This is really helpful. What would be even more helpful would be to have the ability to deselect all with one click. We have several hundred active projects and over a hundred more archived (and this selection seems to include archived projects, was that intentional?) and if I want to create a data source that only pulls data from 20 of them, I have to manually uncheck 200+ boxes. It would be easier to click a box right at the top to deselect all and then choose my 20 to include.

Another option would be to start with all deselected.

2022-05-12 11_57_57-Connect a New Data Source.png

Skyler Ataide
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
May 12, 2022

Hi @Esther Strom! Thank you for the feedback. It is possible to select and deselect all projects in a Jira site at once by checking/unchecking the box that is located under the site name and directly to the left of the product that your are looking to bring in data for. See the following screenshot for example: 

Screen Shot 2022-05-12 at 11.44.20 AM.png We understand now that this may not be the optimal location for the select/deselect all checkbox since it is located further away than the individual project selection checkboxes. Our team is currently looking into ways that this functionality may be improved going forward. 


Thank you,


Esther Strom
Community Leader
Community Leader
Community Leaders are connectors, ambassadors, and mentors. On the online community, they serve as thought leaders, product experts, and moderators.
May 13, 2022

🤦🏻‍♀️ Thank you; I didn't even try that - just assumed that would uncheck the product entirely (i.e. not give me any choices of projects in that product.)

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