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×We’re excited to announce you can now connect your Jira Align Enterprise Insights database to Atlassian Analytics! Enterprise Insights is a data mart that’s available to Jira Align Cloud customers, providing them with access to their Jira Align data. Our new data source connector makes it quick and easy for your organization admin to connect your Enterprise Insights database, so you can visualize and analyze your Jira Align data in Atlassian Analytics.
You can also blend your Jira Align data and Atlassian Data Lake data together to create customized charts and dashboards that go beyond Jira Align’s default reports. Furthermore, you can share those dashboards in Confluence, for example, and anyone with access to that dashboard in Atlassian Analytics will be able to view them! Learn more about sharing dashboards.
To enhance our value stream management solution and kickstart your data exploration, we’ve also created five dashboard templates specifically for Jira Align Enterprise Insights:
Epic status - An in-depth view of a selected epic, with details on attributes and related work items that factor into its status
Portfolio financials - To make strategic financial decisions related to budget and spending for themes, portfolio objectives, and epics
Portfolio flow metrics - To monitor and optimize how work flows at the portfolio level
Solution flow metrics - To monitor and optimize how work flows at the solution level
Value stream flow metrics - To monitor and optimize how work flows at the program level
After completing the prerequisites, an organization admin can add Enterprise Insights by doing the following:
Jira Align lets you rename work items and timeboxes to align with how your team or organization refers to them. After you connect Enterprise Insights to Atlassian Analytics, you can rename tables and columns in the schema to align with your internal terminology. Find more details about how to customize your Enterprise Insights data source schema in Atlassian Analytics.
Sam Tsubota
Senior Product Manager, Enterprise Strategy & Planning
Los Angeles, CA
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