What systems does Atlassian account integrate with?

Eric S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 16, 2015

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Eric S
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
December 16, 2015

You can use Atlassian account to log into the following services:

HipChat (www.hipchat.com)
Bitbucket (www.bitbucket.org)
My Atlassian (my.atlassian.com)
Atlassian Answers (answers.atlassian.com)
Atlassian Support (support.atlassian.com)
Atlassian Marketplace (marketplace.atlassian.com)
Atlassian Translations (translations.atlassian.com)
Atlassian Bug Reporting & Feature Requests (jira.atlassian.com)
Atlassian Documentation (confluence.atlassian.com)

*Please note that we have just begun integrating Atlassian account with our Cloud services: HipChat, Bitbucket, and OnDemand. This means that if you were already using HipChat, Bitbucket and/or OnDemand before January 2016, you would not be able to use an Atlassian account to access those services until you have migrated each one.

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