Change the email associated with my Atlassian user

Alexandre Arsenault
June 16, 2024


Good morning. I changed jobs and my Atlassian account is associated with my previous employer's domain. I still have access to university.atlassian and community.atlassian with this user but it has been removed from this employer's Jira admin page. I would like to continue my Certifications and my “Kudos”. Is there a way to change the email associated with my account for my personal email? I already contacted my former employer but they deleted the account.

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Robert Wen_Cprime_
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June 16, 2024
Alexandre Arsenault
June 27, 2024

I did but my account was Managed.

These fools deleted the account instead of deactivate it.

So I still have access to the community but the current Jira admin can't change the email associate to it.


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