Atlassian account user profile field for phone number

Aleksey Shchukin
September 11, 2017

Which fields are available for Atlassian user profile?

I'm looking for a way to see manualy update a phone number for an Atlassian user? 

For what whatever reason I can only see 

Full name, Job title, Organization and Timezone.

Is there a way to make phone number field visibile?




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Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
April 8, 2018

Hi there, Aleksey.

Have you checked on the Billing details section where you have the Phone field where you can include the phone number? The fields you mentioned are under the Account settings tab which does not include the phone number.

Also, are you looking at editing your own profile or other user's profile?

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