Account was mysteriously deactivated

Naomi Carrigan
I'm New Here
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August 13, 2024

Using my work account to write this post, because my personal account is "inactive"???

So, I had signed up for Jira under my personal account. Subscribed to the standard plan. Was all excited to start using it, then realised I had a trello subscription to cancel.

Cancelled that trello subscription, and now my entire atlassian account is "inactive"?


This screen pops up on every single login flow. I never received an email as to why, and my personal account isn't tied to an organisation?

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Andy Heinzer
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
August 14, 2024

Hi @Naomi Carrigan 

I understand that your account has been deactivated.  Could you please let me know the email address or the Atlassian Account Id of that account?  With that information perhaps I can lookup the account to learn more as to why it was deactivated.  


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