Hello, Everyone!
As you may know, Atlassian is deploying a new improved user management experience for products, which moves the user management of several applications (Jira Software, JSM, Confluence) to the organization-level, instead of site-level as it was done before. All new Atlassian organizations created are using this new experience by default, and we’re gradually migrating all the existing Atlassian products/organizations to this new model.
If you are an Org-admin, you can confirm your organization is already using this new experience by navigating to your organization at admin.atlassian.com and checking if the Users list and Groups list are under the Directory tab:
This improvement has also changed the administration roles across Atlassian sites and organizations, as you can check below:
In the Old User management way, we had three levels of Administration:
Product admins – There are two types of product admins that have access to the Jira or Confluence settings:
Admins that belong to the administrator's group – administer product settings, but they also have access to the product themselves through this group.
Admins that belong to the <product-name>-admins groups – administer product settings, but they don’t have access to the product through this group.
Site admins – They administer the users and groups for the site’s products. They have access to the site's Admin and access to the products through this group.
Organization admins – They administer the organization and have access to the organization settings, which can be found at admin.atlassian.com.
In the new User management experience, we have only two levels of administration:
Product admins – They administer product settings depending on group memberships (e.g. Jira and Confluence settings). Not all product admins need product access (e.g. Jira Admins do not need product access to Jira Software or Jira Service Desk).
Organization admins – They administer the users and groups for the organization’s products, and have access to the organization settings which can be found at admin.atlassian.com.
Basically, the new UM experience has included the site-administrator role inside the Org-administrator role. That being said, we will provide in this article how you can properly change your organization admins considering all the current scenarios you might face in the new and old experience:
If you are using the new user management experience, you can follow the steps below:
Log in to admin.atlassian.com
From your organization, select Directory > Users from the left side of the page.
Find the org-admin, then select their avatar or Show details.
From the 3 dot icon at the top of the page, select Grant/Update organization role:
In the pop-up, click on Remove Organization role or Add Organization role
If you are using the old user management way, you can follow the steps below:
Log in to your organization at admin.atlassian.com. If you have multiple organizations, click on the one you want to edit
Choose Settings > Administrators:
If you want to grant Org-admin permissions, click Add administrators.
If you want to remove Org-admin permissions, click on "Remove" under the actions column of the related user
In this case, you can follow one of the approaches below:
Contact one of your Org-admins to perform the steps of scenario 1 and grant/remove the user with Org-administration rights.
If you don’t know who might be the Org-admin(s) of your organization, contact Atlassian support and we will properly validate your request.
For the scenario above, you will need to contact your IT department to temporarily re-activate the email account of, at least, one of the Org admins. Once the Org-admin account is reactivated, you can log in with the reactivated account and follow the steps provided in scenario 1 to update a new user with Org-administration rights.
Important notice:
In this scenario, you may not be able to accomplish the reactivation of your account if you have 2FA enabled. If you step into this blocker, please contact Atlassian support describing your issue so we can properly help you reactivate the Org-admin account. We strongly recommend adding someone from your IT department as a request participant in the ticket if you contact Atlassian Support to deactivate 2FA, as this action will facilitate communication and speed up the resolution of the problem.
If you are not a site-admin or billing/technical contact and require to contact Atlassian support, we suggest adding your site-admin as a request participant in the ticket in order to reduce the time taken to properly validate your request.
Petter Gonçalves
Support Engineer - Atlassian Team
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