Wondering if there are any tips for privacy /permission for goals/ projects you post in team central. Wondering if there are any features you can explain on the topic.
Let me know!
Hi Mary,
We also have this need. We have some projects that require NDAs (non-disclosure agreements), so we're legally required to close permissions so only people who've signed the NDA have access to the project information.
That's very helpful, thanks for sharing your use case @Christel Gray
Stay tuned, we hope to be able to meet your privacy needs as we evolve Team Central! Watch this space.
We have the same requirement, we also need the ability to have some projects only viewable by people in a specific groups. This may be due to the project being of sensitive nature, or some teams just wanting projects updates to be shown to members in their department.
Thanks for the context, @Orlando Kelly , very helpful!
Are you coming to or planning to stream Team '22 this April? We'll have some exciting announcements that I think will be relevant to your use cases.
It is great to see you guys are thinking about the permissions for projects, goals etc. intelliflo would love to see this feature. We have specific projects where we require our third parties to be involved. This could be contract and legal perspective or with a development orientation and bringing in particular customers sponsoring development. However with the current flat structure we cannot do this.
Since this has been open for a little while now, have you got any further news on when this feature would come out?
Hi Mary,
Do you have any update on when you might release a feature to restrict permissions on individual goals?
Hallo Mary,
in our Case it would be less restricting of visibility and more regulating read and write Permissions.
While probably all Projects would be readable for everybody, to prevent Chaos we would like to be able to restrict who can write in a Project and who can create Projects. This way we could more easily keep our system clean and orderly.
Best Wishes
For us it is the same, and also true for Goals. We love the idea of generally everything being browsable; we would like for some restrictions on Projects to prevent the "Chaos" that Michael (Deleted User) references above, and similar for Goals -- we would like for those who are considered vision leaders to be the ones who write goals, so that there is an appropriate steering direction provided to the company.
We would want to avoid areas where everybody can write a Goal, and there is not any clear picture of the priority of the Goal, and whether or not it's been approved as a direction the company should be striving to move.
Has there been any update to allow making goals or projects private?
Hi there,
Is there any movement here on making goals or projects private? Or, in some way, permissions of some sort?
I agree, private goals would be a helpful feature. For example, personal development goals
For reasons of IP protection, we want to make our goals siloed by team. I still like the tracking and transparency features of Atlas, but we'd like to make goal verticals by team.
Hi Folks,
Just wanted to ask if there is anthing new around Private Projects?
Its marked coming soon on the pricing page https://www.atlassian.com/de/software/atlas/pricing
But nothing on the Cloud Roadmap https://www.atlassian.com/de/software/atlas/pricing
This is a major Blocker for our IT to use it in our projects.
I love the product and would like to use it productively
Is it possible to get a roadmap for controlling goals' visibility? This feature is very important for us.
Hoping we get a simple privacy toggle that exists both at creation and after creation on all "Projects" (confusing name as mentioned here) and Goals (currently no way to do at all). Need to be able to lock visibility to owner/contributors at all stages... found this request: ATLAS-65 - As a user, I'd like to create private Goals to ensure only specified users can view it
It's making this hard to use this in our global organization without some controls in place.
1. We need to specify who can create goals and projects. This needs to be limited to project owners, team leads etc, we need to be able to create a group and allow these people to create projects after they have been approved in our workflow.
2. We want to only allow our leadership team to create strategic goals, allowing everyone in the entire company to create top level goals is a non starter.
3. As mentioned, some projects and goals need to be accessible by specific teams , users for the reasons above . i.e NDA, IP Protection, Sensitive Projects