Hi Everyone,
I'm trying to find a way to pull all the lessons learned into a single list. I want my team to be able to see them all together to see in Confluence for easy knowledge share.
Here is my user story:
As a project Manager
I want to pull all lessons learned from all projects in Atlas into confluence
So I can have a full lessons learned repository across projects
Who would be the reader of a full learnings repository for all projects? Are certain lessons more useful to readers, based on a topic area?
One way you could do this is by tagging the related projects with a common topic. Then in the topic homepage, you'll be able to find an aggregated list of all the learnings related to projects from that topic. This is a nice way to aggregate learnings across projects, but in a relevant way.
For example,
Thanks, Rachel! Categorizing learnings by project topic seems promising.
A similar thing that would be helpful is categorizing learnings by learning topic. (If learnings could be categorized that way.) Because each learning is a valuable piece of data in and of itself, right?
So, I might want to view all learnings related to communication strategies, project planning, sprint management, stakeholder involvement, etc. Atlas could help us organically build a playbook that way.
That would be a use case where I would want to "browse" all learnings across project topics.
Of course, this could be implemented in Confluence or Atlas. There are lots of possibilities in that regard.