I'd like to set up integrations in Slack that'd show updates from all projects and goals tagged with a given tag, or associated with a given team.
I want to push these through to the team's outward facing Slack channels so passive observers can see those and come back into Atlas for further interaction.
Right now it looks like I can associate individual projects, but not tags.
If Teams could be used in all the same places as tags, that'd be a nice simplification as well.
Hi @Caitlin Steel , copy-pasting from my response to Ryan, can you tell me a bit about how this feature will improve your workflow? For example, have you tried using the existing project/goal connections and noticed it wasn't scaling well?
I want to use it to drive people to follow the topics they care about! For example we have multiple projects that are impacting how we do implementations but they are not necessarily tied to the same goal. I could put a link to the Implementations channel we have in Slack and folks could see all those items.
Makes sense, thanks Caitlin! Out of curiosity, do you connect relevant projects to channels today?
Hi @Ryan Sorensen, thanks for the feedback! The ability to connect tags to Slack is in our idea backlog so I'll add this post as a +1 to help us prioritise it
Can you tell me a bit about how this feature will improve your workflow? For example, have you tried using the existing project/goal connections and noticed it wasn't scaling well?
If Teams could be used in all the same places as tags, that'd be a nice simplification as well.
Do you have an example of a place where you can already use tags and would like to also use teams?
> Can you tell me a bit about how this feature will improve your workflow?
Teams and Slack channels are persistent, long-lived entities that let me set up the 95% case once. Doing the set up for each additional project is too much overhead for every project lead to do or to remember. Doing it once would set it up for a good long time.
> already use tags and would like to also use teams?
For the "team", i'm currently repurposing tags to specify`team-alpha` and the like so I can go to https://team.atlassian.com/tag/<tag-id>/updates to see all of the updates for a team.
I believe that Atlassian is still doing this internally for at least one product group - teams and group of teams and initiatives as tags - checking in with the project management guidance given to that org for why could give a lot of high quality context as well.
Thanks @Ryan Sorensen, sharing your feedback with the team.
For the "team", i'm currently repurposing tags... to see all of the updates for a team.
Have you tried following teams? If you visit a team's profile you can click on `follow` and get all the updates from that team in your weekly digest. It will also appear in your left-side home menu next to where your followed topics are, giving you a dedicated view with only the team's updates. Note: the team will need to be add as a contributor to projects for them to show up
If your feedback is specifically about team support in Slack than yes, we don't support it yet but it's in the backlog!
Appreciate it! Slack's really the only notification channel I care about, thank you.
Hi @Ryan Sorensen and @Caitlin Steel,
Wanted to follow up on this and let you know that we just shipped the ability to connect topics to both our Slack and Microsoft Teams apps!
You can connect topics just like you’re used to with projects and goals. Either via the app using the atlas connect command or from an Atlas topic page by clicking on the followers count and navigating to the chat app tab. Once a topic is connected all the updates from tagged projects and goals will be automatically posted in the channel.
You can read more about it in our community announcement.
If you have any questions or feedback please let me know.