Your input needed: Interacting with 'Your projects' in the Home feed

Hey, everyone!

We're looking to update the Your projects section in the Atlas Home feed to give you additional context on your current/active projects.

One idea we have is to add the project status next to the project name (On track, at risk, paused, pending, etc) to give you quick context on how the project's status. While we explore ideas in this section we'd like to understand how you use Your projects today:

  1. Do you interact with the Your projects section? If you do, how do you interact with it and why?
  2. What additional information would you like to see in Your projects?

Thanks in advance for your feedback.


CleanShot 2023-09-21 at 13.58.30@2x.png

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Bill Tang
September 26, 2023

Hi Niraj,

In addition to the status being available from the 'Your projects' section without a mouse-over, I find that the intended target date/range would be helpful as well.

I only have 1 project at the moment as I am still testing the add-on for our company.  However, I imagine that if I had a lot of projects to manage, the date-range would be helpful to see at a glance in a list view, especially if the status is already there.


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