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Using Ho'oponopono Technique for Healing: Ancient Hawaiian Wisdom Explained

April 18, 2024

Ho'oponopono is a Hawaiian way to feel better inside and in your relationships. It's about saying four special phrases: "I'm sorry," "Please forgive me," "Thank you," and "I love you." These words have a lot of power to make things right. Therapiva is here to help you learn and use the Ho'oponopono technique. They know how powerful it is and can show you how to use it in your life. Together, you'll learn to let go of bad feelings and focus on forgiveness and thanks. With Therapiva's help, you can make Ho'oponopono part of your daily life. It's like giving your soul a warm hug, washing away any sadness or hurt. By using Ho'oponopono every day, you can start feeling better and more peaceful inside. Start your journey with Ho'oponopono and Therapiva today. Together, you can find how this Hawaiian practice can give mending and joy to your life.Hooponopono.png



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