Converting Integer to BigInt and vice versa

Richard Jenkins
January 6, 2025

I am trying to use the "Set Column type" transform function when importing through the adapters and I am unable to set an Integer column as a BigInt type, and as well as the reverse from BigInt column to an Integer type.

I have 2 systems that use a field for storage and a field for memory size, but one application is imported into ADM as a BigInt and the other imports it as an Integer. Instead of having 2 different attributes for the same thing in ADM, I would like to make it one or the other so that I only have 1 attribute for memory or storage space.

To attempt to do this, I would add a transform function in one of the adapters to transform the field to either a BigInt or Integer. When I run the data manager client, I get an error saying that I am unable to perform the transform functions.

Is this a known bug or just a feature that has not been implemented as of yet?

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Hun Chan
Atlassian Team
Atlassian Team members are employees working across the company in a wide variety of roles.
January 6, 2025

Hi Richard,

Could you please tell us what the error message is?  I would suggest that we deal only with "BigInts" rather than "Ints" in this instance. So, for MEMORYRAM (memorysize), lets treat every field as a BIGINT and for the source that is imported in as "Int", is it not possible for you to change it to a BIGINT via the transform function?

How is the data from the source being transferred into ADM? Is it through a flat file job or is this an OOTB adapter that you are using? If it is the later, which adapter is this?



Richard Jenkins
January 6, 2025

I am using the OOTB Intune adapter and the "FreeStorageSpaceInBytes" field comes over as BigInt. I am also importing from a schema that has the same field, but it is an Integer type in Assets. I can't change it into BigInt, so it comes over in ADM as Integer.

The problem happens when I am trying to save the mapping for assets schema. Since I have the same field, I can't save the mapping. When I try to use the transform function to set the column type within the schema adapter, it save without issues. After I run the data manager client, it errors out and gives me:

Set Column Type, Error: Certain values are incompatible with the selected data type and cannot be converted.

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