Hi y’all!
The team’s been hard at work adding more context for your Beacon alerts—so you can more easily gather the information you need to make your alerts actionable. Here's a closer look at what's new.
Now, when you review details for any alert, you’ll also see previous alerts from the same actor, so you can more easily gather cross-reference it against other flagged activity.
With this update, clicking into the details will now show you a list of recently viewed issues to give you context on the issues they visited to fire the alert.
Now, for Confluence page crawling alerts, you’ll also be able to view a list of Confluence pages the actor visited to trigger the alert—so you can quickly see what information the actor accessed.
For Confluence page crawling alerts, you’ll now see a chart of page views over time, so you can assess whether the alert was a one-off event, or a part of sustained activity over time.
Please note: Currently, only customers that have both Beacon and Access will be able to see these two new updates for Confluence crawling alerts. This is due to a limitation on Beacon’s backend; we’ll share an update when all customers can see this information.
That’s everything for now—we’ll be sharing more updates here as they come.
Thoughts or questions? Feel free to drop them here; we’re always eager to hear your feedback.
The Beacon team
Dana Frederick