Test Case Repository and Folders now available in QAlity Plus

When it comes to efficient testing, high-level organization is the key. A reliable structure is necessary to prevent chaos, and ensure the testing experience that is effective, well-planned, and comfortable.

To provide our users with such a structure, we’ve introduced new features: Test Case Repository and Folders in QAlity Plus - Test Management for Jira

Introduction to Test Case Repository

Repository is an integral part of the app, and it doesn’t require additional steps to be functional. It consists of a few main components: the navigation panel on the left side of your screen, the All Test Cases page, and the Folders.

Navigation panel

The navigation panel allows you to navigate between your folders, and keep an eye on your Repository contents.

It’s located on the left side of your screen, right next to the Jira navigation panel. At the top of the panel you will always find the All Test Cases page. Below, there is a list of your folders. 

You can create a new folder by clicking the Create Folder button in the top right corner of the navigation panel. 

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Every folder you create will show up on the list. You can access a folder by clicking on it.

There are two types of folder icons - a filled one, indicating that there are test cases in the folder, and a hollow one, indicating that the folder is empty.

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All Test Cases

All Test Cases page is the main hub of your Test Case Repository. It contains all test cases from all projects on your instance. Every new test case you create will automatically show up on this page.

You can Create test cases or Import them by clicking on one of the two buttons in the top right corner of your All Test Cases page. Once you’ve got all the test cases you need, you can either just browse them or proceed to perform actions on them.


The list of test cases on the All Test Cases page provides all basic information: Issue Key, Summary, Project, Priority, Status, and Assignee. By default, the system displays the first 50 items. To load more, scroll down to the bottom of the list. The total number of your test cases is displayed right under the filtering options.

Filtering and selecting

Test cases can be filtered by Project, Status, or text input. You can apply filters multiple times without losing the previous selection. It allows you to find and select precisely what you need.


To perform actions on your test cases, you can select them one by one, or multiple at once. Once you’ve selected multiple test cases, the number of selected items will be displayed at the bottom of the page. By default, the system will select the first 50 test cases.

 Once you have selected test cases, you can:

  • Add them to a new or existing folder

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  • Add them to a new or existing test cycle

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  • Export them


Please, keep in mind that Repository works alongside the old Jira Issue Navigator. If you prefer the traditional view, you can easily switch back by clicking the Show in Jira Issue Navigator button. The Navigator will be opened in a new tab.



Creating folders

As previously mentioned, you can create a folder by clicking the Create Folder button at the top of the navigation panel.


Folder creation modal will appear, requesting you to enter the new folder’s name. Folder names do not have to be unique. You will also be requested to choose the main project for your folder. The access to the folder will be based on the permissions of the selected main project.

What it means in practice is that every user who has access to a certain project will also have access to the corresponding folders. For other users these folders won’t be visible. Depending on the level of access, the user will either be able to edit the folder, or just view it. 

Once you’ve created a new folder, it will appear on the list in the navigation panel on the left. 

Adding test cases from multiple projects

It’s important to note that you can add to your folder test cases from multiple different projects, no matter what the main project is. 

As long as a project belongs to your current instance, you will find related test cases on the All Test Cases page. You can select test cases from different projects and easily add them to the same folder. It’s a feature designed to provide you with as much flexibility and freedom as possible.

Actions within folders

In your new folder, you can either Create Test Case or Browse Existing Test Cases, and add them to the folder.


Selecting items within folders works the same way it does on the All Test Cases page. You can also perform the same actions: 

  • Add test cases to a new or existing folder.
  • Add test cases to a new or existing test cycle.
  • Export test cases.

 Additionally, you can delete a folder.


Please, keep in mind that deleting a folder full of test cases will not result in deleting all of the test cases. Your folders serve as filters of the contents available in the All Test Cases hub. Consequently, all your test cases will still be available on the All Test Cases page, as long as you don’t completely remove them from your instance. Therefore, it is also possible to add one test case to multiple folders.

Such a solution allows you to freely manage your test cases, organize them in folders, add them to multiple folders, and move them around, without having to worry about losing them.

Why do you need Repository and Folders?

Our main purpose in adding these new functionalities is to maximize your comfort in managing your testing. There are several benefits coming from the usage of the Repository and Folders that you don’t want to miss out on.

Clear test cases organizing system

With folders you can easily group your test cases according to your needs, achieving a transparent view of your work. 

Folders can have various use cases, e.g. if you’re testing an application consisting of multiple modules, you can group test cases related to these modules in separate folders. You can also organize test cases in folders to easily add them to test cycles later. 

For many users, the Folders system is simply clearer and more effective than the default Jira Issue Navigator.

Multiple projects management

The All Test Cases page displays every test case from every project on your instance. Therefore, it provides a complete view and allows you to manage multiple projects from one central command center. 

You can create separate folders for test cases that belong to different projects, or mix them with each other - whatever is suitable for you. Should you need a more general look at your test cases, you can always use the All Test Cases page as your point of reference.

Everything in one place

If you hate switching between pages while planning your testing, our Repository might be a suitable solution for you. It gathers all the elements needed for successful test planning. You can:

  • View all your test cases.
  • Create new test cases.
  • Import and export test cases.
  • Create folders.
  • Add test cases to new or existing folders.
  • Add test cases to new or existing test cycles.
  • Switch back to the old Jira Issue Navigator view.

All of the above actions are easily accessible within the Repository, allowing you to quickly plan and organize your testing without ever leaving this space.

What next?

Our Repository and Folders will be expanded and improved in the future. It’s important to us to steer the development in the right direction that would be most beneficial for our users. 

If you’re interested in more details on the new features, or would like to share your suggestions on how to enhance your experience with our app, feel free to book a demo!




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