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Jira&Gmail for Sales Team

If you have a sales/support team, you've undoubtedly experienced an avalanche of emails in your inbox. And you know the situation when you open your inbox in the morning and realize that you will be stuck there for at least an hour or two. Some emails need to be transformed into Jira tasks, which slows your work even more. Switching between tabs, forming a task, and if there are attachments, it's even more different movements - downloading to your computer, attaching to Jira, etc.

Faced with such a challenge, my team developed the Email&Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail app and hit the bull's eye. As of March 2023, the number of users of our app has exceeded 3.5 thousand. Currently, there are about 5 thousand of them.

Earlier, we shared with you useful use cases for using Email&Tasks:

We want to add to this knowledge base and tell you how using the Jira&Gmail connector will help speed up processes in your Sales Team.


Converting customer emails to Jira issues

So, if you communicate with your clients using emails, Gmail is one of your workspaces. So you want to keep it organized. Here are some tips: 

1️⃣ Use the above article's life hacks to organise your Gmail Inbox. Sort all emails into categories, mark important ones, etc.

2️⃣ Don't waste time setting tasks. On the one hand, it seems insignificant - what's the big deal? Set a task in Jira. But when you need to convert a mega-large number of emails, a problem arises. The issue of performance, poorly described tasks, etc.

Let's take an example of an email from a client:

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Visually, you can tell that the email contains two tasks.

With Email&Tasks, you can quickly generate Jira issues individually and save time.

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Or you can use the AI-based 1-click task feature. This feature will create the task for you - you need to click the Create Issue button.

And if you don't have access to a computer, the Email&Tasks app is also available in the mobile version of Gmail, where you can easily convert emails to issues with a few clicks.


Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge extensions for your extreme productivity

The app is offered as a package deal. Extensions for Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge are available for our users 🎉.

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It's a mini-Jira in your browsers, with virtually all the features you need to optimize your Task Management process.


We will be glad to see you in the SaaSJet team. You have one small step left to achieve insane email optimization. And I think you're ready to take it. We're offering you a 30-day trial for Email & Tasks: Jira Cloud for Gmail so that you can appreciate all its benefits. For teams of up to 10 users, it's free. See you soon!



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