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How using Templates for Jira Issues can help your Agile Teams perform better

Agile methodology provides great patterns and approaches to streamline software development and delivery processes. That’s why Agile Teams usually are very fast and flexible. They may adapt iteration length, standup timing, and the test and delivery processes to the specific needs of Agile Teams and organization needs. However, at some point, you will need to settle on particular approaches and structures, and share them across your teams. You can do that easily with the Easy Templates for Jira Issues add-on.


Let your Agile Teams perform better

Why do you need Jira Issue Templates? Because they save Agile Teams’ time by recreating repeatable processes, helping Jira users fill in the most relevant information in each  Jira ticket and structure bug reports to identify the steps to reproduce.


User Story

User stories are short descriptions of a feature told from the perspective of the person who desires the new functionality, usually a user of the system. They typically follow a simple Jira ticket template:

As a [user], I want [goal] so that [some reason]

A universal Jira user story template helps teams focus on the purpose of the story and the value it will deliver for customers. It may also use the Given/When/Then format to specify high-level acceptance criteria. Having a properly prepared user story for Jira issues will let your Agile Team run faster with estimations on iteration planning meeting and define whether or not further stories breakdown required.


Bug Report

Help your QAs and the rest of your Agile Team members report bugs consistently! Use the bug report template for Jira issues and speed up the issue preparation process. This template ensures the reporter will provide enough information for the team to reproduce and fix the bug.


Jira bug template is a major time-saver in the issue reporting routine.

Epic Template

Preparing a bigger feature scope as a Jira Epic? Make sure you gather the essential information. Use the Epic template to save the user story, business goal, success criteria, reference to design, documentation and a placeholder for relevant user stories all in one place.


Employee Onboarding process

Obviously, Jira task templates don’t just benefit software teams. Let’s take, for instance, HR and employee Onboarding/Offboarding processes.

Onboarding, also known as organizational socialization, refers to the mechanism through which new employees acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and behaviors in order to become effective organizational members and insiders. It is the process of integrating a new employee into the organization and its culture. It also may include preparing a proper working environment, receiving access to the company’s resources, knowledge base and receiving training.

Every single step of the Onboarding process may be a subtask assigned to the responsible person in the organization.

An onboarding process with proper subtasks can easily be saved as a Jira task template and then replicated for every new member.



The templating approach will save your Agile team huge amounts of time on recreating repeatable processes, tickets or Jira issue structures. All the listed templates can easily be created with the Easy Templates for Jira Issues (Cloud) application.

And now, you can also check out Easy Templates for Jira Issues on Server, which has just recently been released.

For any questions or new functionality inquiry, please contact us via the Customer Portal or read our Documentation.


Read more about the Easy Templates add-on below



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